Out with the old...
One year ago I posted my writing resolutions for 2014. I freely declare I have not hit those goals.
In October, after submitting my final university assignment for the year, I checked in, re-examined those goals and set new ones. I had completed some, was on track for others, and had yet to start a few. Of those goals, I have not: Submitted two finished PB MS to two or more publishers by the end of the year; written three more PB first drafts; entered one more competition for the year; updated this blog weekly; and only submitted one story to a magazine for publication, not two. I also didn’t print my goals or refer to them as the printer ran out of ink. Then I forgot. I also signed up for PiBoIdMo but didn’t write down a single idea. So I could make excuses about not reaching these goals, and they’d run along the lines of two months in a neck brace and constant physio after surgery, illness, full-time university study, parenting, etc, but I’d rather take a more positive approach.
This is what I have achieved this year:
Goal-wise, I have: Read 50 books as per my pledge through Goodreads; been more disciplined with my writing time; and left the house in order to write if needed. My desk has also been kept clear of non-writing paraphernalia, excluding the cats, who continue to do what they want. I have also:
Written at least 20,000 words worth of university assignments, including two 3,000-word short stories, and a picture book, which I also illustrated (or more accurately Photoshopped images to vaguely resemble illustrations).
Signed up for and won NaNoWriMo with my first novel, Community. The novel is now more than 70,000 words and counting.
Placed equal ninth nationally in the CYA Competition in the Picture Book category.
Attended several workshops to further develop my skills.
Submitted one piece to a magazine.
So, all up, I’m pretty happy with what I achieved. I’m well on my way to completing a novel, have two PB MS ready to send out, and two short stories I’m looking to submit for publication.
For 2015, my goals are less general, and more project-specific.
Finish writing first draft of Community by the end of January.
Edit Community by end of July.
Concentrate on studies with a view to (and I don’t believe I’m actually saying this) potentially apply for PhD candidacy.
Follow up on endorsement for my early reader series.
Edit early reader series based on feedback from relevant organisations.
Submit three key PB MS to publishers.
Continue disciplined writing schedule.
Continue escaping from house if needed.
Most importantly: Continue to enjoy the work.
Happy New Year, everyone. Thanks for reading and commenting, and I hope you have a safe and happy 2015.