Below is a list of my published creative and non-fiction work,
and other notable happenings
Speculate Victorian Speculative Writers Festival, Volunteer Manager, April 2018
'Facing Off' (fiction), Softcopy e-journal, January 2018
'The Narrative of Omission' (non-fiction), Softcopy e-journal, January 2018
2017 Wheeler Centre Hot Desk Fellowship, shortlisted for 'Out of Control'
'Write Words', The Victorian Writer, Writers Victoria Jun/Jul 2017 The Kit Out edition
'Find Your Tribe', The Victorian Writer, Writers Victoria Feb/Mar 2017 Back to School edition
Don't underestimate the audience, October 2016. Interview with Ellie Marney
'Getting the Most from Workshops', The Victorian Writer, Writers Victoria June/July 2016 Industry Insights edition
2016 HARDCOPY participant ACT Writers Centre national professional development program, for Out of Control (working title), YA contemporary realism manuscript
2016 Maurice Saxby Mentorship recipient Children's Literature Australia Network, for Community (working title), YA contemporary realism manuscript
Writing dialogue a ‘subtle dance’, May 2016. Interview with Jane Harrison
'Out of Control' excerpt, The Victorian Writer, Writers Victoria April/May 2016 Writing for Young Adults edition
Use early drafts as a springboard, April 2016. Interview with Shivaun Plozza
Social media creates communities, April 2016. Interview with Katie Evans
Solvers and scribes seek eureka surge, April 2016. Interview with David Astle
Representing the writer's heart and soul, December 2015. Interview with Ben Michael
The perks of applying for funding, December 2015. Interview with Amra Pajalic